rebranding, webdevelopment

Levice Party

We were tasked with creating a new visual identity and new website, that would correspond with new visual communication.
The old identity did not match the associations people have with left-wing politics. The use of inappropriate colors and internal fragmentation in which direction to profile the party only intensified this identity crisis. The visual identity was outdated and difficult to apply, the visual identity manual was missing.

The website was then poorly optimized, the responsiveness was limited and the page for recruiting new members was not very appealing. In addition, it was unnecessarily relegated to a subdomain, even though it contained a minimum of information, some of which was duplicated from the main page.
We have taken inspiration from indetities withing the leftist party families, yet trying to stay unique and true to our clients goals and approaches. We've choosen appropriate brand archetype, changed visual communication and colors and developed a well-structured website, that was scalable and covered everything that a political party might need.

New identity, new website, new Levice

The new identity corresponds to the profiled archetype of the brand, which is the Rebel. A sharp, memorable font, the work with bold colors that are associated with the uncompromising left-wing political party and the slogan with which the new identity was introduced – New Left for new challenges! As part of visual communication, it was also recommended to pay more attention to the presentation of the leading personalities of the party, especially the co-leading duo. The party thus acquired a new identity and internal recommendations on how to apply it. How they follow these recommendations is in the hands of the client.
MKMV brings creative campaigns backed by data to companies, non-profits, political parties, and candidates.

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MKMV brings creative campaigns backed by data and technical solutions to companies, non-profits, political parties, and candidates.
MKMV brings creative campaigns backed by data and technical solutions to companies, non-profits, political parties, and candidates.